If you have recently dedicated your life to Jesus Christ or have recently renewed your commitment to Him, we would love to celebrate with you through water baptism. Water baptism is an outward symbol of your inward profession of faith in Christ. For more information about water baptism or for helpful resources in your walk with Christ, stop by Serve Central.


If you have recently begun attending MH1AG and are interested in learning more about our church and our beliefs, or if you have recently committed or recommitted your life to Christ, then Growth Track is for you! Growth Track is a three-week class that meets on Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. in Guest Central. Our next Growth Track begins on Sunday, April 6. To sign up, stop by Serve Central in the main lobby.


If you have completed Growth Track, then Membership 101 is your next step. Membership 101, covers helpful information about what it means to be a member at MH1AG. You'll have the opportunity to apply for membership and connect in serving. Our next Membership 101 is Sunday, March 2  following the morning service. Please email the church office at to receive more information.